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IntelligenceLab VCL 6.0 Description:
Delphi/C++ Builder VCL and FireMonkey (FMX) components library for Artificial Intelligence.

Also includes Visual Graphical Editor for codeless development and Visual Live Bindings.


- Neural Network - Feed forward Neural Network classifier.
- Naive Bayes - Naive Bayes classifier.
- K Nearest Neighbor - K Nearest Neighbor classifier.
- Self Organizing Map - Self Organizing Map classifier.
- Radial Basis Function - Radial Basis Function Network classifier.
- Back propagation - Back propagation Neural Network trainer.
- RProp - Resilient back propagation Neural Network trainer.
- Neuron - General purpose neuron component.
- Data preparation components - Prepare the training, features and classes data.

Typical applications:

- SPAM filters.
- OCR applications.
- Computer Vision.
- Speech recognition.
- Data classification.
- Robotics.
- Decision making.

Free for non-commercial use.

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